The idolatry of images, their mythical aspect, and falling in love

People and images: a deeply weird, slightly obsessive relationship. I’m a millennial, and like almost every single person of my generation, I spend most of the time of the day staring at the screen of my smartphone. But it happens that my sight gets tired of seeing the same thing 24/7; so every once in a while, I feel like changing the background image, once again. This happened to me yesterday, so when I was at my leisure, during a ten-minute break from work, I devoted myself to the search of the next perfect image to put on my screen. And here it is, this is the one I chose: The mental process of choosing an image is something quite intriguing to me. An image is a muted work of art, a silent piece of life, a minuscule pixel of the human experience. Although I prefer to say that it’s muted rather than silent, because muted implies that it could speak, it aims to communicate something to you, but because of its n...