What to do when things are helpless. (The self-help article that I don’t know how to write)
The procedure to declare something helpless is long and tiresome. It is composed of three bureaucratic stages that are decomposed into five steps each. If you are interested in making a formal demand of helplessness you can use the guide in the following link: www.thingsarehelpless.com . Here you will find an extremely heavy PDF of 300 pages where the instructions are carefully explained. Note: It is recommended NOT to use the link provided above, since it has recently been giving the error 404, and others. In our institution we are proud to offer our desperate clients the most complete service there is on the market; once the demand is approved, you will receive our “package for helpless things” that includes: 1 month of pre-paid daily appointments with a shrink, 1 month worth of passiflora tea bags, And the “things are helpless” guide in a practical CD. Any questions or further inquiries can be made between 8:45 until 11:45 or from 1:15 to 2:45 pm. From T...